Subject Program Website Description Notes
Phonograms/Spelling The Spalding Method Spalding Spalding’s The Writing Road to Reading is a total language arts program that integrates essential research-based components, and educational philosophy, and a methodology consisting of time-tested principles of learning and instruction.
Reading Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) CKLA Core Knowledge Language Arts is a comprehensive language arts curriculum program for students in preschool through grade 6. While teaching skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) also builds students’ knowledge and vocabulary in literature, history, geography, and science. The curriculum covers concepts specified in the Core Knowledge Sequence. Download samples and curriculum for all Core Knowledge products
Writing Write Now Right Now Write Now Based on the philosophy that all students can write, Write Now Right Now works with any standards, is teacher friendly, and student engaging. Write Now-Right Now offers daily writing lessons for Kindergarten through 6th grade which supports all writing standards, 6-Traits, and best practices in teaching writing. Students learn to write in all genres: Expository (informative, explanatory), Persuasive (opinion, argumentative), Narrative (fictional, personal). Sample lessons of each grade level
Math Dimensions Math Dimesnions is a Singapore Math product. It is a rigorous and engaging curriculum that provides a deep elementary math foundation. Singapore consistently ranks at the top in international math testing. The intentional progression of concepts in the Singapore math approach instills a deep understanding of mathematics.Textbook lessons build on prior knowledge and develop concepts in an approachable way. Each lesson follows a similar sequence: 1. Think: Stimulates interest in new concepts through a hands-on activity or problem. 2. Learn: Presents definitions and fully explains new concepts. 3. Do: Solidifies and deepens student understanding of concepts. 4. Exercise: Provides additional problems in the workbook for students to master concepts. 5. Practice: Provides teachers with opportunities for consolidation, remediation, and assessment. See samples of all grade levels
History Core Knowledge History and Geography (CKHG) CKHG The Core Knowledge History and Geography (CKHG) program includes the complete history and geography curriculum plus additional resources for teachers and students in Kindergarten through grade 8 and above. This is a comprehensive program in world and American history and geography, integrating topics in civics and the arts. Core Knowledge History and Geography helps students build knowledge of the diverse civilizations, cultures, and concepts specified in the Core Knowledge Sequence.
Science Core Knowledge Science (CKSci) CKSci The Core Knowledge Science (CKSci) program includes the comprehensive elementary science curriculum, plus additional resources for teachers and students in Kindergarten through grade 5. The curriculum, which follows the Core Knowledge approach, provides students with a firm basis in the factual knowledge of the sciences and engineering design specified in the Core Knowledge Science Sequence. Additionally, this program has been informed by many positive aspects of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Special Areas
General Music Kodaly Method Our K-5 scholars attend General Music twice a week for 30 minutes each time receiving instruction in the Kodaly Method. Kodály’s concepts are based on teaching, learning and understanding music through the experience of singing, giving direct access to the world of music with the most universal instrument. The Kodály approach to music education is student centered and skills are taught in a logical, sequential manner. This approach begins by teaching students to sing in tune combined with extensive physical movement to develop timing and rhythmic competence. Music is taught in a way that requires each person to learn via a variety of modes—kinesthetic, auditory, and visual.
Physical Education Our K-5 scholars attend Physical Education twice a week for 30 minutes each time. They benefit from active/hands-on learning through physical activity. They also work on cooperating/working together with skills and techniques.
Recess We cannot do what we need to do in the classroom if our scholars do not get time to do what they need to do. Our scholars benefit from 60 minutes of unstructured play time throughout the day: 20 minutes mid-morning, 20 minutes at lunch, and 20 minutes mid-afternoon.