Heritage Academy is excited to announce we now partner with MySchoolBucks to allow you to easily make secure payments for classfees, dues, yearbooks, etc.
Here is what you can expect from MySchoolBucks:
Conveniently see and make payments that are due through the MySchoolBucks mobile app
Receive automatic notifications when fees are due
Easy access to view fees and get to MySchoolBucks with your existing PowerSchool account
Log in to PowerSchool or download the MySchoolBucks App to get started.
If you are having trouble logging in to PowerSchool to set up your account here is an alternate way: visit https://www.myschoolbucks.com then Choose FAMILIES: Sign up for FREE, select State: Arizona, then choose District: Heritage Academy, Inc.. Complete the information. After an account has been created, the parent can link a sign-on to their student and payment.