Athletic Code of Conduct

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  • Participating in an athletic program at Heritage Academy is a privilege. With this privilege, scholar athletes are expected to adhere to a high standard of behavior. All scholar athletes shall abide by a code of ethics that will earn them the honor and respect that participation and competition affords. It is important for our athletes to realize they represent their families, the school and the community at all times. Scholar athletes act as role models for the younger scholars. Scholar athletes have a commitment to their teammates and coaches to be at their best physically, mentally and academically at all times.
  • Scholar athletes should promote a healthy lifestyle by not using any illegal or unhealthy substances including alcohol, tobacco and drugs or engage in any unhealthy techniques to gain, lose or maintain weight. It is expected that scholar athletes adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times, not just during the sport season.
  • It is important that a scholar athletic realize the great sacrifice by coaches, teammates, teachers, family and others in your behalf. Your gratitude is expressed by your respect!
  • Heritage academy issues a Scholar hand book that can be obtained from the front office or found online at
  • It is expected that all scholar athletes will respect and comply with the rules of Heritage Academy.

  • -Be to practice and games on time.
  • -Be responsible for any equipment and uniform issued to them and returning it as requested at the designated time and place. Scholar will replace misused, abused or lost equipment or be charged replacement value.
  • -Be respectful and encouraging towards your teammates. Do not belittle them for their mistakes or abilities. Be encouraging they are working hard too.
  • -Take responsibility to your academic eligibility and the tools to help you stay on track which will be offered by the coach.
  • -Help other teammates who may struggle in classes you excel in.
  • -Listen to your coaches while they are talking to you or another player. We do not want to talk over you.
  • -Not use or possess illegal substances including tobacco, alcohol, marijuana or drug paraphernalia.
  • -Not participate in any other act that results in the scholar athlete being charged with a crime or referred for juvenile delinquency.
  • -Notify one of the coaches of any teammate that might be struggling with issues contrary to our team standards.

  • -Have their athlete on time to practices and games.
  • -Help your athlete keep track of and in good condition any equipment and uniform issued to them. Replacement costs are not part of the participation fees.
  • -Not encourage belittling conversation towards players and/or coaches. Your comments are welcomed at the appropriate time.
  • -Cheer from the designated areas. A parent on the field makes coaching more difficult and is a distraction to all the players. It also makes it difficult for those behind to see. This includes half time.
  • -Share with the coach any concerns you might have about your athlete regarding sports, academics, or anything you feel would better help us understand him/her. We are a team-family. We want them to succeed.
  • -Please respect the following times Pre-game (30 minutes before the game), the game (1st and 2nd halves), and post game (30 minutes after the game). This is NOT a good time for coaches to talk. We have lots to do regarding our team.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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