Below are a few items to note regarding parking at Heritage Academy.
- Please pull into the main parking lot off of Drew Street and use caution when dropping off your scholar. Please do not stop on the curve, but make the left turn and pull all way way forward (toward basketball court). There are two drop-off lanes:
- The Right Lane is primarily for Carpool Families or those who need an extra minute to get in or out.
- The Left Lane is for Quick Drop-off or Pick-up. Please only use this lane if your scholar is ready to get in our out.
- Please leave the far left lane open for vehicles to exit. No Stopping, loading, or unloading. Please remember to be kind and courteous toward other families, and plan a few extra minutes in the morning to ensure your scholar is on time to class.
- Once you have pulled all the way forward, make a complete stop and let your scholar out of the car. Then continue with the flow of traffic, making another left at the far North side of the parking lot and exiting at the appropriate opening back on to Drew Street. Please do not cut through the half-way point in the parking lot. It slows down the drop-off process and poses a safety issue.
- 10-minute temporary parking is available on Center Street in front of the school. After you leave this parking area, DO NOT make a U-turn on Center. This is not safe and Mesa Police Dept. will issue tickets.
- Longer-term parking is available on the West side of campus.
- Parking is also available in the City of Mesa parking lot West of Drew Street.
- Parking passes are required for all students and faculty in order to park in our lot. (see front office)
- Below is a map of the pick-up and drop-off lanes.
- Please use caution when driving on Drew, and obey crossing guard.