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School Newsletter 02/29 Pinnacle by Andrea Lenhart

A Note from Principal Coleman:

February 29, 2024

Dear Heritage Academy Heroes & Families,



Important:  The re-enrollment deadline for 2024-2025 is Monday, March 4thClick Here for the steps to re-enroll.  We hope you can join us again next school year!

Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences for those in need start next week.  A Parent-Teacher Conference should be scheduled for any scholars that are experiencing academic concerns or struggling in any area.  For those families that may have missed the Fall Parent-Teacher Conference, we encourage you to schedule a parent-teacher conference.  These conferences can be scheduled before or after school during the Week of March 4-7.


State Testing:  AASA State Testing Week (Grades 3-7) is April 8 to April 11.  3rd Grade (Oral Fluency Test) and 5th Grade (Science) will have an additional test in on Wed. April 3rd.  All testing will be completed on Chromebooks online.  It is never too early to begin reviewing for state testing to feel confident when the testing days arrive!  Here is the link to the practice website .  Students should click on “Arizona”, then click on “Mic check and Sample Tests” then “AASA Testing” to view the sample tests.  If you are interested in learning more about the state testing, go to the link provided.  This link has access Frequently Asked Questions as well as Sample Tests



Important Dates:

Thur. Feb. 29:          Happy Leap Day!

March 4-7:               Parent-Teacher Conferences for those in need

Thur. Mar. 7: Flag Ceremony 8:05 a.m. (outside).

Snack Bar Open (Bring your dollars) 

Mar. 11-14:              Spring Break – NO SCHOOL

Mon. Mar. 18:          St. Patrick’s Day Dress Down Day in Green (Jeans Okay) follow 

                                Heritage Dress Standards.

Wed. Mar. 20: PTO Meeting 5:30 p.m. in the Café 

Mon. Mar. 25:          Open House at Heritage Academy Pinnacle 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Wed. Mar. 27: Spring Picture Day

Thur. Mar. 28: “Dollars for Duds” Day (Heritage Dress Standards)

Mon. Apr. 1: Teacher Professional Day (NO SCHOOL)

Tues. Apr. 2: Scheduled Fire Drill 9:00 a.m.

April 8-11: AASA State Testing Week (3rd & 5th gr have extra test on Apr. 3rd

                  (Please tell your neighbors and friends to come for a visit) 



Thank you for your support!



Kind Regards,


Ray Coleman – Principal