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A Note from Principal Coleman:
January 25, 2024
Dear Heritage Academy Heroes & Families,
We finished this week with our Flag Ceremony this morning, where many students received yellow scarves, bracelets and/or stickers celebrating School Choice! It was a week filled with School Spirit and Dress Down Days. Thank you to the Scholar Council for your effort, leadership, and ideas during Spirit Week!
Tardiness: At Heritage Academy Pinnacle, tardiness is defined as not being in class in the assigned seat with all things necessary for class to proceed when the bell rings. Teachers are required to develop and enforce a strong and firm tardy policy that will affect a scholar’s grade. There is no such thing as an “excused tardy.” Scholars must be signed in by a guardian when tardy. Scholars are allowed to be dropped off starting at 7:30 a.m. and are considered tardy if they are not in their seat by 8:00 a.m.
Birthday Treats: Our policy regarding birthday treats is that we discourage families from bringing high sugar treats. You are welcome to have a birthday treat for your own child, so they can eat it at lunch, but it is not necessary to bring treats for the class. It gets difficult to manage with allergies and families purchasing them, since these occasions happen so frequently. Every day, we do make it a point to celebrate each birthday of our scholars on our morning announcements. The teachers also celebrate birthdays in their own special ways in the classrooms. Options such as a small goodie bags that scholars can take home are a better choice. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
School Lunch Information – My Hot Lunchbox:
You may visit to order hot lunches. No outside food (fast food or delivery) is allowed. The school does not provide a lunch if your scholar forgets.
Important Dates:
Thur. Feb 1: Valentine’s Gram Sale Begins (more details to come)
Flag Ceremony 8:05 a.m. in Café
Tues. Feb. 6: Scheduled Fire Drill 9:00 a.m.
Wed. Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day – Dress Down in Red, Pink, & White
Valentine’s Grams Passed Out
Mon. Feb. 19: Presidents’ Day – NO SCHOOL
Wed. Feb. 21: PTO Meeting in Café 6:00 p.m.
Wed. Feb 28: Movie Night on the Heritage Pinnacle Field 6:00 p.m.
100th Day of School Celebration! (Be creative: Add 100 items to a T-Shirt or dress up to look like your a 100 years old)
Thur. Feb. 29 “Dollars for Duds Day”
March 11-14 Spring Break – NO SCHOOL
Thank you for your support!
Kind Regards,
Ray Coleman – Principal